Error Reduction • Skills Development • Cost Reduction
When Honda introduced VALID-8 It was the only tool not developed in Japan. This groundbreaking decision transformed their production line forever.
Production Line Perfection
As one of the world’s largest automakers, Honda’s risk tolerance for production errors is low as the consequences are high.
Before VALID-8, Honda conducted error-proofing with paper and pen — hardly ideal for Honda’s fast-moving production line.
In such an environment, problems need to be identified and remedied quickly. That’s where VALID-8 comes in.
Japanese automakers have been at the forefront of major innovations in efficiency.
VALID-8 drove Honda to Error-Free Production.
Reduction in time to identify line errors
Employees using VALID-8 who earned national certifications
Reduction in travel-related management costs
Time to achieve all training and production line successes.